Hotel Gogov


Mushrooms / Fungi

Amanita Muscaria – Fly agaric or Fly amanita

This mushroom has a red globe with tiny white remains from its pileus, white thick leaves, white stipe, which thickens at the bottom. It grows from summer until late autumn in deciduous and softwood forests. This is a poisonous fungus with psychotropic characteristics.


Pleutus Ostreatus – Oyster mushroom

The cap is gray, brown or yellowish, with white and afterwards grayish leaves. The stipe is short, the meat of the fungus is white, firm, with pleasant aroma. It grows in autumn and winter, in large groups, near cut trees and near deciduous trees. It is edible, has an excellent taste and is a well known fungus.


Cratellus Cornucopioides – Horn of plenty

The pileus of this fungus is thin, in the form of trumpet, and inside it is brown-black or black with gray stipe. The meat is thin, grayish, elastic, with pleasant smell and sweet taste. It grows in large groups in the summer period and in autumn on humid forest terrains. It is edible and is characteristic by its very good quality and taste.


Amanita Caesarea – Caesar’s mushroom

The cap is with nice orange-red color with dense yellow leaves. The stipe is yellow, with a hanging annulus. The meat is white-yellowish with not so strong, yet pleasant aroma. It grows in summer and autumns in forests and meadows. This mushroom has an exquisite taste and it considered as one of the most quality fungi.


Suillus Gravillei – Mycorrnizal mushroom

The cap is with golden and yellow color, slimy, with the layers peeling. The gills are yellow with small holes. The stipe is high and yellow-brown. The meat is yellow, does not change its color and has pleasant aroma. Only the cap is edible, since the stipe is hard and often with worms.


Cantharellus Cibarius – Chanterelle / Girolle

The cap is tight, dry, with bent edges and yellow, up to orange color. The leaves are yellow and are going from the cap down to the stipe, which is bare and lighter towards the roots and lighter than the cap. The meat has yellow-white color with the smell of peaches. It grows from late spring until autumn, in groups, in deciduous and softwood forests. The fungus is edible, with an exquisite quality.


Agaricus Campestris  - Gilled mushroom

The cap is wide, white, brown with thick pink, and afterwards brown and black leaves. The stipe is white with a little annulus. The meat is white, with a pink shade and excellent taste and aroma. It grows separately or in groups, in a period from May until late autumn, in meadows and fields. It is edible and really tasty fungus, which can be prepared in many ways.


Bovista Plumbea – Paltry Puffball

The fruitful body is ball-shaped with root-like extension. It is white and smooth, with a skin that afterwards wrinkles and falls apart. The meat is firm and white, afterwards becoming gray-brown like a dust. The fungus is edible while the meat is firm and white. The older fungus gets a hole at the top, through which, when pressed, brown dust (spores) comes own, with which it breeds. The people are using that for healing wounds.


Lactarius Deliciosus – Saffron Milk Cap / Red Pine Mushroom

The cap is convex with orange-red color and concentric circles that are receiving green spots. The leaves are dense, orange, and fall out when pressured. The stipe is high and gets more narrow at the bottom with shallow cavities in orange color. The meat is yellow-orange and it releases orange fluid (milk). It grows from summer until winter in pine woods. The Saffron Milk Cap is edible, with excellent quality, and it can be roasted as well, to add in a salad, to marinate, etc.


Macrolepiota Procera – Parasol Mushroom

The cap is big and round, ball-shaped in the youth, elevated in the middle and brown, with small scales on the surface. The leaves are dense and white. The stipe is high and firm, hairy and porous, with higher annulus. The meat is white, soft, and firm on the elevated part. It is characterized with pleasant aroma and taste of walnut. It grows in summer and autumn in all woods. The fungus is edible with an extraordinary quality, however, only the cap can be used in various ways. The best way to prepare it is to make the cap with eggs and flour or to roast on barbecue.